North London Model Railway
Welcome to the private model railway of Harvey Thomas: The Thomas Family Railroad: after all, it is a family affair. With the years travelling the world over 30 trains have been collected, and the 'garage' has been transformed to the 'Station'. There are 5 separate lines where you can visit a Dutch Windmill, a US Army Base, a German Christmas Market, a Brewery and Timber yard and more.
The Thomas Family Railroad is a hobby, but we've put together a website because people keep asking about it as it grows! It all started with a gift from daughter Lani of a Hornby Flying Scotsman - and has grown since then. Personal highlights include Steam Favourites The Mallard, Flying Scotsman, The General and the Big Boy. Electric favourites include a DB double decker and the ICE.
The Thomas Family Railroad is a work-in-progress so we're always updating and developing. You can see a current list of trains here.
There are lots of photos and a video below. If you'd like to visit, please fill in the contact box at the end of the page.


We're based in Barnet, North London, UK, and welcome comments, questions and visitors.
Follow us on instagram and facebook below.